Government at provincial and local level has rallied behind the families and now the private sector, political organisations and non governmental organisations are also putting up their hands.
Today, the Metro met with the families and businesses that pledged support to those affected at the Assemblies of God church in Scenery Park. BCM Metro Deputy Executive Mayor Councillor Princess Faku commended the private sector for their pledges.
The organisations present were Avbob, Liquor Traders (Distell), various poliktical leaders and the Mahlasedi Foundation.
AVBOB, the funeral parlour, has pledged burial costs support for each family. The Mahlasedi foundation donated groceries and some political parties will donate tombstones for the 21 families as well as groceries. Liquior traders (Distell) donated R2500 food vouchers for each family.
Meanwhile, engagements between government and the families determined that a mass funeral service will be held next week Wednesday, 06 July 2022.
Thereafter, families will be assisted with transportation of the remains to be interred at burial sites of their choice. The Provincial Government has expressed appreciation for support that has been received from all sectors of society in preparation for the funeral.
The Buffalo City Metro has waved the grave fees for the burial of the deceased and together with the provincial government, will facilitate other logistical needs to ensure a dignified send-off for the deceased. The provincial government together with its partners will continue to provide psycho-social support to the bereaved families and the broader community.
This will include community debriefing sessions to assist everyone to cope with the impact of Sunday’s tragic event. The Department of Education will do photo enlargements for the funeral.